Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today is the Day

Well today in class i found out the basketball game has been postponed because of the bad weather that is susposed to come to us. My opinion about this weather that susposed to come is that we probably will still have to go to class tomorrow because nothing will happen here. I think they still could played the game because the stuff isn't susposed to happen until late that night, and plus the wonderboys and golden suns would have killed uam so bad that the fans could have leave early, that would be my problem to the solution. But i'm glad it was moved to next saturday because that means i could make it too both games. Well hopefully both games will be exciting anyways.

Last Weekend

Well last weekend was eventful, the Wonderboys and the Golden Suns won both of their games last saturday at Tucker coliseum. I heard there was a sold out crowd at the game and they were even turning people down at the doors. You know why i'm saying i heard, because i wasn't at the game i was being fitted for a tuex in little rock for my brothers wedding in march. I'm not mad that i had to missed the game because it was fun, i ended up going to see my brother and his family. then we played a little xbox 360, and plus i heard the boys game wasn't that exciting because their game wasn't even close because the wonderboys blew them at of the water. Well maybe i will make the next game.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Class

I just enter my class a few minutes ago and its pretty boring right now because we are not doing anything at the moment. I just read my emails and i got a email from my father giving me my umpiring schedule. I am so ready to get out of this class because i am getting hungry and i haven't ate since breakfast time. We probably won't get out until 7 today so hopefully the class will go by fast that i can go get something to eat somewhere around here in russellville.

The Wonder Boyz and Me

Well today the wonderboys playing Ouchita Baptist, I wanted to go to the game tonight, but I have a night class today. Well hopefull they will win tonight ball game, and stay # 1 in the nation. This is an proud moment in tech history because they have never reached this potential in divison II history. I haven't missed a game until tonight, but hopefully i can make it back on time Saturday to watch them play Delta State. The Delta State game will be a good game because Delta State is 12-3 and on a seven game winning streak hopefully tech can end that seven game winning streak saturday.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam dictum ante nec nibh euismod feugiat. Vestibulum adipiscing lectus nec dui faucibus eget dapibus odio suscipit. Sed et pharetra mauris. Sed commodo consectetur viverra. Nullam id libero lacus. Integer tortor mauris, lobortis eget fermentum quis, cursus non dolor. Nullam mauris justo, pulvinar non pharetra et, rhoncus at sem. Nunc pellentesque pharetra sagittis. Nullam eu nibh nisl, nec luctus velit. Fusce eget sem nunc, a interdum ante.

Sed ac nibh eros, non fringilla odio. Suspendisse tincidunt mollis libero. Maecenas eleifend orci et diam mollis eget venenatis quam porta. Sed convallis nunc in ligula molestie a dapibus risus sodales. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed et nisl risus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam ultricies feugiat eros nec vehicula. Sed fermentum tellus vel urna aliquam eu adipiscing tellus vestibulum. Pellentesque non enim at lectus facilisis ultrices ac id turpis. Phasellus vel ullamcorper velit. Duis mauris ante, tincidunt dapibus tincidunt at, tristique id nisi.

Pellentesque faucibus adipiscing fringilla. Aliquam risus ipsum, condimentum bibendum porttitor id, gravida et diam. Aliquam pretium, sem nec porta pharetra, neque magna vulputate leo, vitae pretium mi nibh vitae mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent neque ligula, laoreet sit amet tincidunt non, vulputate et augue. Duis in massa ac odio luctus placerat eu vel arcu. Vestibulum eget dui rutrum tellus consectetur tempor at vitae velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer gravida quam ac metus placerat non venenatis orci pellentesque. Vestibulum suscipit egestas gravida. Sed laoreet luctus orci, ac semper justo cursus ut. Phasellus rutrum sapien quis tortor tincidunt venenatis.

Aliquam ac orci tellus, in accumsan lectus. Phasellus at mi a orci convallis varius. Nulla dapibus consectetur eros, ut tristique nisl aliquet at. Curabitur fermentum nisl vel nulla ultricies id mattis lacus pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis dui mi, varius et vestibulum in, vehicula a elit. Pellentesque in ipsum at lorem tristique euismod. Nulla suscipit adipiscing nibh sit amet accumsan. Mauris at est sit amet eros fringilla porta et ac sapien. Nam eleifend laoreet sem eget viverra. Aliquam lacinia lacus nec nisi semper ornare.

Curabitur nibh elit, posuere quis convallis blandit, mattis eu diam. Nunc ac eleifend lacus. Sed at sollicitudin velit. In et eros non sapien commodo suscipit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis et tellus purus, ut euismod lacus. Vivamus eu rhoncus mauris. Sed interdum diam eget nunc convallis consectetur. In nec erat eu turpis imperdiet dictum nec id ante. Proin condimentum erat id odio facilisis mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla tempus cursus diam, at pulvinar est tristique scelerisque